
Infrastructure as Code


Time Reporting with Outlook and Powershell

18 May 2012

Do you work at a company that requires you to report your time? Are you curious how much time you are spending on different projects or duties? Hate having a separate tool just for time tracking and reporting? (me too!) My Outlook calendar makes for easy time tracking. It's on my iPhone, my desktop, my laptop, my home PC...but there are no reporting capabilities that I am aware of, and I am not going to buy an app or plugin that I have to manage. What if I wanted to find out how much time the rest of my team is spending on something like "host maintenance?" They have their calendar shared with me, and I can see their categories, but I would still have to manually add up their time, force them to do double data entry to another app, or something else that requires double-data-entry. I wrote this Powershell solution to figure out how much time a group of people were spending on "Sales Engineering," and made a couple modifications for this post to allow different users and categories.



use -category to add up time on. Only single category supported.

Multiple calendars

use -calendars to enter a single name like "Jake Robinson" or multiple in an array: @("Jake Robinson", "Alan Renouf")

Date Range

By default the current week M-F will be reported. If you need something a little different, you can use -pickDates to bring up a graphical calendar to each start and end date (click the date then press enter). You can also use -rangeStart and -rangeEnd with something like this "5/24/2012"

HTML or CSV output

Outputs to HTML report by default, or use -csv to output to comma separated value file.


a picture My Calendar a picture Categories a picture Example with pickDates a picture HTML report a picture Example using rangeStart and rangeEnd to CSV a picture CSV output

...and here's the script!

# OutlookTimeReport.ps1
# Jake Robinson
# v1.2

param ( [DateTime] $rangeStart = (get-date -hour 0 -minute 0 -second 0).AddDays(-(get-date).DayOfWeek.value__),
 [DateTime] $rangeEnd = (get-date -hour 23 -minute 59 -second 59).AddDays(7-(get-date).DayOfWeek.value__),
 [String] $category,
 [String] $calendars,
 [switch] $csv,
 [switch] $pickdates)

function pick-date()
 $objForm = New-Object Windows.Forms.Form

$objForm.Text = "Select a Date"
 $objForm.Size = New-Object Drawing.Size @(190,190)
 $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"

$objForm.KeyPreview = $True

 if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter")

 if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")

$objCalendar = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MonthCalendar
 $objCalendar.ShowTodayCircle = $False
 $objCalendar.MaxSelectionCount = 1

$objForm.Topmost = $True

 [void] $objForm.ShowDialog()

if ($dtmDate)
 return $dtmDate

if ($pickdates)
 [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
 [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")

 [DateTime] $pickedStart = pick-date
 [DateTime] $pickedEnd = pick-date

 If ($pickedStart -and $pickedEnd)
 $rangeStart = $pickedStart
 $rangeEnd = $pickedEnd

Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook

$class = @”
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;public class MyOL
 public MAPIFolder GetCalendar(string userName)
 Application oOutlook = new Application();
 NameSpace oNs = oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
 Recipient oRep = oNs.CreateRecipient(userName);
 MAPIFolder calendar = oNs.GetSharedDefaultFolder(oRep, OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar);
 return calendar;

Add-Type $class -ReferencedAssemblies Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook

$outlook = new-object MyOL
$restriction = "[End] >= '{0}' AND [Start] <= '{1}'" -f $rangeStart.ToString("g"), $rangeEnd.ToString("g")
$seArray = @()
foreach($se in $calendars)
 $seObject = New-Object PSObject
 $SECalendar = $outlook.GetCalendar($se)
 $appointments = $SECalendar.items
 $appointments.IncludeRecurrences = $true
 $SEappts = $appointments.Restrict($restriction) | where {$_.categories -match $category}
 $SEhours = ($SEappts | Measure-Object -Sum -Property duration).sum / 60
 Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Value $se -Name "Team Member" -InputObject $seObject
 Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Value $SEhours -Name "Hours" -InputObject $seObject
 $seArray += $seObject
$totalHours = ($seArray | measure-object -Sum -Property hours).sum
$totalsObject = New-Object PSObject
Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Value "TOTAL HOURS" -Name "Team Member" -InputObject $totalsObject
Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Value $totalHours -Name "Hours" -InputObject $totalsObject
$seArray += $totalsObject

if ($csv)
 $seArray | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "$HOME\desktop\OutlookTimeReport.csv"
 Invoke-Item "$HOME\desktop\OutlookTimeReport.csv"
$seHTML = $seArray | ConvertTo-Html -Body "</pre>
<h3>$($category): $($rangeStart.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy")) - $($rangeEnd.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy"))</h3>
<pre>"| Out-File "$HOME\desktop\OutlookTimeReport.html"
 Invoke-Item "$HOME\desktop\OutlookTimeReport.html"

  For more Powershell and Outlook fun, see Alan's post!
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