vCheck6 Utility Commands
A quick video on the plugin utility commands found in vCheck 6! For more info, be sure to visit the vCheck 6 release page, and visit the vCheck Plugins page to browse the available plugins. Don't forget to thank Alan for all of his hard work on vCheck!
If you are not the video watching type, here are some helpful tips:
1. In order to access the vCheck Utility Commands. You must 'dot-source' the file:
That's dot[space]dot, for those reading this on a mobile device. ;)
2. The list of commands will display. The basic functionality is as follows:
3. Some common uses:
List Plugins not installed(available from repository):
Get a plugin by name:
Get a plugin by name and install it from the repository:
Get a plugin by name and UNINSTALL it:
Get all plugins that are NOT installed, and install them (warning, lots of plugins!):
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